Sustainability of agriculture extension services in the face of COVID-19: A study on gender-specific market systems
Enock Siankwilimba, Jacqueline Hiddlestone-Mumford, Md Enamul Hoque, Bernard
Mudenda Hang'ombe, Chisoni Mumba, Oliver Jolezya Hasimuna, Sahya Maulu, Joseph
Mphande, Moses Chibesa, Mayoba B. Moono, Valdemiro Muhala, Luigi Pio Leonardo
Cavaliere, Alessio Faccia & Gunawan Prayitno
Cogent Food & Agriculture | Taylor & Francis (2023)
Board of directors’ attributes and capital structure: evidence from Pakistani-listed non-financial firms
Ur Rahman, S., Khalil, A., Cavaliere, L.P.L. and Ben Khelifa, S.
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences | Emerald Publishing Limited (2023)
The technological intervention in e-health management: evidence from Thailand
Mohsin Raza, Rimsha Khalid, Worakamol Wisetsri, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Hamza
Subhi Mohammad Alnawafleh, Magna Guzman-Avalos
International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare | Emerald Publishing Limited (2022)
Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction between Website Quality, Perceived Convenienceand Online Purchase Intention
Mohamad Kebah, Valliappan Raju, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation | Macrothink Institute (2022)
Impact of Psychological Capital and Technology Adaptation on Performance of Teachers
Worakamol Wisetsri, Thunyakorn Chuaytukpuan, Manoch Prompanyo, Mohsin Raza, Luigi
Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Shamim Akhter
Journal of Positive School Psychology | ASR Research India (2022)
Online Banking in Italy. “Widiba Bank” Case Study, PESTLE and DEA Analysis
Alessio Faccia; Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere
Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks | ARMG Publishing (2021)
The e-tourism beyond covid-19: A call for technological transformation
Raza,M. and Hamid, A. B. A. and Cavaliere, L. P. L.
Journal of Liberty and International Affairs | Institute for Research and European
Studies (2021)
Brain Drain in Higher Education. The Impact of Job Stress and Workload on Turnover Intention and the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction at Universities
Anees, R. T., Heidler, P., Cavaliere, L. P. L., & Nordin, N. A.
European Journal of Business and Management Research | European Open Science (2021)
An Empirical Study of HR Practices and Employee’s Engagement in Banking Sector
Hatem Ali Helal ATEF, Valliappan Raju, Rao Tahir Anees, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere,
Nordiana Ahmad Nordin
International Journal of Human Resource Studies | Macrothink Institute (2021)
The Impact of Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, and Brand Association on Consumer Decision Making in Palestine Olive Oil Industry
Suhail A M Almaqousi, Siti Aida Samikon, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Nordiana Ahmad
Business Management and Strategy | Macrothink Institute (2021)
The role of culture on the adoption of international standards on auditing in the developing countries: An institutional perspective
Eltweri, A. and Faccia,A. and Cavaliere, L. P. L.
Journal of Governance and Regulation | Virtus Interpress (2020)
The rise of online banks in Italy “WIDIBA Bank” Case Study
Alessio Faccia, Narcisa Roxana Mosteanu, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Gabriele Santis,
Financial Markets | Institutions and Risks | ARMG Publishing (2020)
Evaluating the Impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategies on Customer Retention (A Study of Fast Food Chains in Pakistan)
Rao Tahir Anees, Nordiana Ahmad Nordin, Temoor Anjum, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere,
Petra Heidler
Business Management and Strategy | Macrothink Institute (2020)
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Market Orientation on Sales Performance: The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation
Rao Tahir Anees, Valliappan Raju, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, Petra Heidler, & Nordiana
Ahmad Nordin
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology | PalArch Foundation (2020)
Blazing a New Trail in ERP Integration with NLP and Generative AI through APIs: a fraud examination perspective
Alessio, AF, FACCIA, FRANCESCO, FM, Manni, VISHAL, VP, Pandey, and Luigi Pio LEONARDO,
LPLC, Cavaliere
ICISE 2023 | Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States (2023)
Anonymity And Trust Roles In The Digital Barter Age: Digital Transformation Framework And Digital Assets Popularity Assessment
Alessio Faccia, Francesco Manni, Ahmed Eltweri, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, and Vishal
Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Software and e-Business |
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States (2023)
Feasible Blackboard implementations, challenging blended learning through agile Academic Learning Management Systems in Transnational Higher Education
Faccia, A. and Beebeejaun,Z. and Ridon,M. and Syed,F. and Pio Leonardo Cavaliere, L.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2022)
Unstructured Over Structured, Big Data Analytics and Applications In Accounting and Management
Alessio, Af, Faccia, Luigi Pio Leonardo, Lplc, Cavaliere, Pythagoras, Pp, Petratos, and Narcisa
Roxana, Nrm, Mosteanu
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2022)
Mixed and Augmented Reality Applications in the Sport Industry
Sawan, N. and Eltweri,A. and De Lucia, C. and Cavaliere, L. P. L. and Faccia, A. and
Mosteanu, N. R.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
Extended Audit Report: Enhancing Trust and Reputation in IT Processes and across E- business Industries
Faccia, A. and De Lucia, C. and Eltweri, A. and Sawan, N. and Cavaliere, L. P. L.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
The Role of Risk Management in Auditing E-Business
Eltweri, A. and Faccia, A. and Roxana Moþteanu, N. and Sawan, N. and Pio Leonardo
Cavaliere, L.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
Blockchain Hash, the Missing Axis of the Accounts to Settle the Triple Entry Bookkeeping System
Faccia, A. and Mosteanu, N. R. and Cavaliere, L. P. L.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
Electronic Money Laundering, the Dark Side of Fintech: An Overview of the Most Recent Cases
Faccia, A. and Moçteanu, N. R. and Cavaliere, L. P. L. and Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. J.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
Disaster Management, Digitalization and Financial Resources: Key factors to keep the organization ongoing
Mosteanu, N. R. and Faccia, A. and Cavaliere, L. P. L.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
Digitalization and Green Economy - Changes of business perspectives
Mosteanu, N. R. and Faccia, A. and Cavaliere, L. P. L.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) (2020)
The AI Application for an Automated Education System
Alessio Faccia, Manjeet Ridon, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere
Innovation in the University 4.0 System based on Smart Technologies ; Chapman and Hall/CRC (2024)
Digital sustainability for workplace strategies
Esra Sipahi Döngül and Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere
Managing the Digital Workplace in the Post-Pandemic | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group)
Strategic Management of Platform Business Ecosystem Using Artificial Intelligence Supported Human-Computer Interaction Technology
Esra Sipahi Döngül and Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere
Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era | Emerald Publishing Limited
Impact of Brand Experience, Narcissism and Materialism on Luxury Purchase Behaviour Mediated by Online Buying Intentions
Somtawinpongsai, C., Abdul Hamid, A.B., Raza, M., Sawangchai, A. and Leonardo Cavaliere,
Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era | Emerald Publishing Limited
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